A big THANK YOU to everyone who filled up their tanks at the Martensville Co-op Gas Bar on September 20th! Thanks to your empty tanks, the Martensville Co-op Gas Bar will be donating a grand total of $3173.30 to the MCRP!
Thanks to the community’s ongoing support of the MCRP, we’re positioned to take advantage of a unique opportunity for a community house build! Using local suppliers and builders, we plan to build this beautiful 1806 sq.ft. home (with a 4-car garage) starting in August then sell next spring with all proceeds going to the recreation...
Our 4th Annual Hockey Draft was another successful event. With 28 teams and over 200 people in attendance, our community raised $12,602.15! Thank you!!!
The MCRP made a donation to councilman Darren MacDonald from the City of Martensville for $150,000.00. This is money they have raised over the past years including the NHL drafts, 3 on 3 Tournament, Fun Run, Casino Nights and Street Hockey Tournaments. Read full article by the Martensville Messenger
The 3rd Annual Playoff Draft was a huge success!!! There were 28 teams, over 200 people, many great prizes and tons of fun. From this event the MCRP raised: $19,340.43! Thank you to all the sponsors and volunteers who helped to make this such a successful event!!